The best snack: SPICED NUTS

The best snack: SPICED NUTS

I'm sure you can all relate to that after dinner savoury snack craving and you go to the pantry in search for something crunchy and flavoursome, only to see that you ate the chips and crackers the night before. This is where the blooooody delicious spiced nuts recipe is going to save you! You need 4 ingredients, a pan and less than 5min. Let's go!

Spiced Nuts
Spiced Nuts


Dash olive oil
Dash balsamic vinegar
Sprinkle SPICETUB Steak Master
1 cup mixed nuts unseasoned (e.g. cashews, pepitas, almonds etc.)


The olive oil, balsamic vinegar and spice mix go into your pan, mixing and heating them up. When bubbling, add the nuts. Toss to coat and let sauté until all liquid has absorbed. I even wait until they start browning a little for even more flavour. Take off the heat and enjoy!


** If you re-create this dish or any other delicious SPICETUB creations and feel like sharing the love on your socials, don't forget to tag us @spicetub and use the #spicyaction. We draw a winner monthly for some very special prizes! Good luck and happy cooking!

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