Cowboy Caviar

Cowboy Caviar

A viral dish on social media and for good reason. The cowboy caviar is fresh, colourful, fun to look at AND eat. We decided to use the delicious SPICETUB Salad Dressing Mix but are quite intrigued to try it also using the SPICETUB Avo Smash Mix or even the SPICETUB Mexican Beef Bowl Mix to go more into the taco direction. The opportunities are endless but with the Salad Dressing Mix, we have already definitely hit a winner. Enjoy! 

Cowboy Caviar

Cowboy Caviar

Serves 4, Total Time 10 min



1 cup tomatoes, finely diced
1 cup avocado, finely diced
1 cup capsicum, finely diced
1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
1/2 cup coriander, finely chopped
1 can red kidney beans
1 can sweet corn
1 jalapeno, sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp SPICETUB Salad Dressing Mix
Corn chips to serve


Combine SPICETUB Salad Dressing Mix in small bowl with olive oil.
In a large serving bowl add remaining ingredients and toss to combine. Drizzle with dressing. Enjoy on its own or use some crunch corn chips to scoop up your cowboy caviar.


** If you re-create this dish or any other delicious SPICETUB creations and feel like sharing the love on your socials, don't forget to tag us @spicetub and use the #spicyaction. We draw a winner monthly for some very special prizes! Good luck and happy cooking!
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